Has it already been almost 2 months since this little girl was born?! Everyday is a challenge and goes by slowly... and then I look at the calendar and it's already June 13! Goodness gracious, I never thought that would happen.
Anyways, yesterday we had a break through... she smiled at me for the first time!!! She usually smiles because she's in the process of pooping and/or farting so it was extra special when I waited a couple minutes after her first smile and tried my funny noises again. It worked and now she not only smiles at me, she has started to make more cooing noises. So cool!
Breastfeeding is going well, also. 2 days ago, I introduced to her a bottle so that I'll be able to feed her during long road trips without having to stop for a long break or take her out of her seat while the car is moving. She wasn't a huge fan of it, but she ate nonetheless so I count that as a success. Last night Paul fed her for the first time and even though he acted all cool and nonchalant about it, I think he felt really good to be able to do it and hold a non-fussy Agnes (normally in the evening she is fussy and that's when he comes home from work so it's hard for him to catch her in a good mood).
That was such an exciting moment for me because I've started pumping more and it feels good to know that I'll be able to use the milk instead of just donating it (which I've been thinking about doing, too). After he fed her, they played for a bit before it was time for mama snuggles and sleep. :)
Below are some pictures from this past week. One morning I sat her in her bouncer and opened the door to the deck and she just listened to the rain and the cars.

She likes to fall asleep while nursing. It's rare for her to stay asleep in this position when I'm seated and not up walking around and rocking her, so I had to take a picture.
Yesterday, she fell asleep in this position...
And then slowly moseyed her way down to this position. It was quite entertaining to watch her try and find a comfortable way to lie.
But mission accomplished and she slept for a good 30 min. to an hour or so.
Ok, so I have to share these photos, too, because as I am typing this, she is doing it again (and yes, it's the same outfit she had on yesterday. Don't worry, I washed it!).
And this is my view :)
There's just something about holding a baby while they sleep.
Anyways, her two month check up is the 11th of July. The last weigh-in she had was at her 2 week appointment. She was 8 lbs. and 20" long. She has grown so much and I'm really excited to see the numbers in a few weeks!