Friday, February 1, 2013

My Pregnancy Journal: Week 28

28 weeks in. This is what is happening with My Little Loodle:

Baby is settling into the proper position for birth, with her head facing downward (hopefully). Baby's the size of an eggplant! Putting on layers of fat, baby now weighs in around 1.5 to 2.5 pounds and measures about 13.6 to 14.8 inches. She's busy adding new skills such as blinking to an already impressive repertoire of tricks like coughing, sucking, hiccuping, and taking practice breaths. Baby's sleep now includes the REM (rapid eye movement) phase — and that means she could be dreaming already! 

My Symptoms: Back pain, trouble sleeping, heartburn, some leg cramps, going to the bathroom every 30 minutes, feeling exhausted/sleepy all day.

Maternity clothes?  Only maternity clothes or sweatpants now.

Sleep? I get up at least three times a night.Getting back to sleep is sometimes easy but sometimes hard because the baby kicks so much. Positioning is getting easier and I'm getting used to sleeping on my side (which is really really good!).

Best moment last week? 

Baby let me get a full night's sleep one night without me having to get up and go to the bathroom. I only had to reposition myself once. It was a wonderful night's sleep :)
Groundhog Day was last weekend! Paul and I went to a college that makes a big deal about Groundhog Day. This year was the school's 50th Groundhog Day Celebration and since we were unable to get down there to see all our friends and celebrate big with them, we went to the one held in Saint Louis. Alumni from this university host Groundhog in different cities all over the U.S. so it was great to meet new people and talk about our different (and same) experiences when going to school. It was a fun night out :) 

Movement? A lot of movement which makes me feel good since that means she is still alive and healthy :)

Weight Gain: 157 lbs. I have gained 5 pounds since my last visit.

Cravings: Frozen fruit (not the funnest when the weather outside is freezing). I buy a big package of mixed frozen fruit (strawberries, grapes, and my favorite mix: pineapple, peaches, and mango...yummy)

Food Aversions: Tomato soup, cilantro, spaghetti, onions, and spicy things.

What made me cry this week: hormones... stupid hormones make me so sensitive to anything and everything anyone says to me. (sigh)

Medical Stuff: All's well in med land!

Something I am excited about: Next weekend is my Colorado trip!!! Paul and I are going to different states for a week (he's going for work and I'm going to visit my parents), so we will have our "babymoon" apart from one another. I'm still excited since I don't know the next time we will be able to go to Colorado before next Christmas :)

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