Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Pregnancy Journal: Week 33

33 weeks in. This is what is happening with My Little Loodle:

Baby is keeping her eyes open while awake. She's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Her bones are hardening and she going through (more) major brain development -- that's one smart baby! Baby is still gaining weight (about half a pound a week), and she could grow up to another full inch this week. With that much baby inside your uterus, your amniotic-fluid level has maxed out, which explains why some of her pokes and kicks feel pretty sharp these days. (There's less fluid to cushion the blows.) Antibodies are being passed from you to your little one as she continues to develop her own fetal immune system, which will come in handy once she's outside the womb and fending off all sorts of germs.

My Symptoms: Helloooooo KANKLES!! I haven't had swelling this bad since I sprained them in soccer. Mostly trouble sleeping and heartburn/ acid reflux, which leaves me uncomfortable and completely exhausted. Oh, and my abdomen has been a little more itchy.

Maternity clothes?  I'm ready to not be in maternity clothes!! Only 7 more weeks *fingers crossed*!!! :D

Sleep? The acid reflux doesn't help, but sleep is getting better. This week, I've felt a little more comfortable at night so that's been a pleasant surprise :)

Best moment last week? Last weekend Paul and I went to Saint Louis for a few events over the weekend, one being our friend's bridal shower. The groom's parents live there so his mom threw a shower for the bride. It was lovely. They were even able to come visit us at our home for a night before going back to Texas (where they both live). It was a fun night!

Movement? She moves around a lot and her kicks are getting a bit more painful.

Weight Gain: I will know next Monday at my next appointment :)

Cravings: I've had no cravings this week!

What made me cry this week: Nothing... it's been a good week!

Medical Stuff: Nothing to report. 

Something I am excited about: I'm excited about getting the car seat and crib!

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