I've never seen her cry like that and I kept telling myself not to start crying as well. I was anxious for this appointment, knowing what was to come, and I now know that I wouldn't have ever been able to prepare myself for what I felt at that moment after the first shot. My poor baby!
The nurse was very quick and right away I scooped up my little girl and hugged and rocked the heck out of her (for like 5 seconds) before I sat down and nursed her. It took a while for Aggie to actually start eating (she could hardly breath, she was so upset), but when that happened it seemed like everything would be ok. Afterward, I put her up on the table and changed her... and she was all smiles again :) ahhhh relief, that was a wonderful feeling.
As we were getting ready to leave, the nurse came back in with a can of apple juice for me. She said she understood the anxiety of being a new mom and witnessing the first shots. She told me that she felt light headed when her little one went in for his first shots so she brought me some juice just in case I felt the same thing. So so sweet! Those people make doctors visits very pleasant and even though I will probably feel anxious at the next appointment, I know we are in good hands.
Anyways, Agnes Joyce is a healthy 12.6 lbs and 22 inches. She is 50th percentile in weight and 25th percentile in height (so a little short, but I don't mind... I can still rock her with one arm!). She is eating well and the nursing is going very smoothly.
She usually goes to bed at around 9 or 10 and get's up twice a night. I probably won't start sleep training her for another month or so (I don't mind having to get up and nurse her... it's tiring, but it's better than when she had her days and nights mixed up). And she usually has a mid morning nap so I am allowed an hr or so of sleep then :)
She nurses about every 2 to 3 hrs during the day (which, again, I don't mind... it gets me caught up on tv shows-- erm, I mean reading :P) and I get lots of exercise because when she isn't eating, she likes to be moving constantly, so I get my work out by rocking and bouncing nonstop!
Speaking of, I have gone back to my pre-pregnancy weight and I feel great! Now I have to get back to my pre-marriage weight (I gained ten pounds after the wedding and before my first pregnancy check-up, so it's time to get back!)
As of now, Aggie-Jo:
Coos-- oh my goodness it's adorable! The noises that come out of her mouth make me the happiest momma!
Smiles-- I didn't think she could get cuter, but yes, it's possible! When she smile, her eyes make it look like she's flirting with you :)
Has noticed her feet! I put shoes on her last Sunday for church and she started staring at them and moving her feet up and down. I don't know if she has noticed them since (I don't put shoes on her every day), but we will see how it goes this coming Sunday.
Is still losing some of her beautiful hair... BUT I also see new growth and it's brown so I am happy to see that the color hasn't changed.
Is still blue eyed. I hope they don't change, but I wouldn't be upset if they did.
Is a morning person. Dear Lord, please help her sleep at least until 7am? Please? :)
Cannot roll over or lift her head up that much when I put her on her stomach, but we will be practicing this a lot more than we have been this past month (even though she's not a fan of it).
Follows voices with her head and makes eye contact. She knows the voices of her mommy and daddy and is intrigued by new voices and faces.
Still naps in her bouncer right next to the bathroom (or in the bathroom) with the light and fan on.
Has soothed herself to sleep a couple of times (yay!). I didn't have to nurse her or rock her and it was so nice when I came back into the room (after putting her down wide awake), she was out like a light.
I still feel sleep deprived, but every morning I wake up to the most beautiful sight and forget that I only got 5 hours of sleep that night. She is my world and I can't imagine my life without her. :)
Morning Stretches!!
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