Baby BOY is as big as a Pumpkin!
He may have about an inch or so of hair already and he's slowly shedding that white goo on his skin (called vernix caseosa) but you might see some of it at birth.
Those smiles hide my discomfort... it's getting tough.
My Symptoms: Contractions, sore hips and legs when sleeping (SOO UNCOMFORTABLE), slow to get up from a sitting or laying down position, acid reflux, exhaustion... etc. I just feel really big and whenever baby boy moves, it's painful and he hits nerves and it's just becoming somewhat unbearable now.
Maternity clothes? Yes, but I don't mind so much... as long as they fit, it's great!
Sleep? Sleep is very hard now. Switching positions is a must but is painful. Getting up to use the restroom is just a nuisance, and this week I've the worst cough of all time (which makes me nervous that these coughing fits have effected baby boy badly... like my stomach is tightening with each cough and he's getting squished or something). Can you tell this has been a pretty miserable week for me?!
Best moment last week? I'm just going to talk about this past week: Paul has been working ungodly hours (16 hr days) and he has given up on studying for some tests for a while because of the amount of work (this is good since he was only getting 4-5 hrs of sleep each night and now can get at least 5). However, it still makes it hard for us to spend time together because he works 6 days a week. So this past Saturday when he came home for lunch, he asked if Agnes and I would like to go for a walk tonight (after he gets off work at around 7pm) and get ice cream. It was so great to be able to go do something (and because he works so much, we were able to spend the money for an ice cream date) and spend time as a little family of 3 before baby brother gets here. :)
Agnes found a worm on the walk.
Also, he spent the entire day Sunday with us (he usually studies all day), so after going to church in the late morning and taking a much needed nap as a family, we headed to the fountain park that evening.
Weight Gain: 165 lbs. 1 pound added from last week.
Cravings: Sweets, but when has that ever been different?
Food Aversions: Still Cilantro and Basil. I guess a lot of the common spices like Oregano, Cumin, Parsley, etc. are on my list of aversions. That hasn't changed and I haven't found any new aversions. I don't think my food aversions will ever change, pregnant or not unfortunately. (this answer has not changed the whole pregnancy...)
What made me cry this week: Nothing.
Medical Stuff: Last time Dr. Kate measured my tummy, I was measuring at 37 weeks... she said that baby has probably dropped. We are both pretty impressed that I made it this far and now we are talking about inducing if I go past my due date (never thought that would even come up!).
Something I am anxious about: All the change that is about to happen with Agnes... I don't want this to effect her negatively. I'm also a bit anxious about labor this time around. Last time was so great, I'm fearing that this time is when the ball drops and it's a bad experience. I'm also anxious about breastfeeding... not a fan of those first weeks :/