Baby BOY is as big as a Honeydew!
He's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on his own. His skin is getting smooth and soft and his gums are rigid. His liver and kidneys are in working order and circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too!
I took these pictures on the day of turning 37 weeks. I guess I just forgot to do my Sunday after church bathroom photo shoot. BUT here is a picture of our family #selfieSunday:
My Symptoms: Contractions, sore hips and legs when sleeping, slow to get up from a sitting or laying down position, acid reflux, exhaustion,
Maternity clothes? I'm now wearing Paul's boxers and t-shirts to bed and that's when I know it has to be almost time for this little guy to come.
Sleep? I'm starting to have difficulty staying asleep due to hip pain and rolling over is extremely uncomfortable. But I'm not experiencing insomnia so I'm very thankful for that, I'm too tired to stay up at night.
Best moment last week? A wonderful Father's Day celebration with Paul's parents and sister. They came out for the day to celebrate (and celebrate my birthday) and even took Agnes out for a few hours to give Paul study time and me down time. Very nice.
Movement? SO MUCH! And sometimes it's a pain, but so thankful he's healthy!
Weight Gain: Last weigh in at the Doctor's was 160 lbs. 4 weeks and the same weight... I guess that's normal for the second child.
Cravings: No real cravings. I'm just hungry a lot for snacks and when I do eat, I just keep on eating.
Food Aversions: Still Cilantro and Basil. I guess a lot of the common spices like Oregano, Cumin, Parsley, etc. are on my list of aversions. That hasn't changed and I haven't found any new aversions. I don't think my food aversions will ever change, pregnant or not unfortunately. (this answer has not changed the whole pregnancy...)
What made me cry this week: Nothing.
Medical Stuff: Saw the Dr. last Wednesday on June 24 and all looks well with baby boy measuring on time and Doctor Kate is confident I'll make it to 37 weeks at least, but she thinks baby will still come before 40 weeks. I also started laboring Sunday afternoon with regular contractions starting at around 1-2pm and they didn't stop until about 9-10pm. They got as close at 2 minutes apart at one point but the intensity hardly ever changed so I guess it was false labor. Uncomfortable, though, and frustrating at times.
Something I am excited about: Meeting this little guy in hopefully at least another 1-2 weeks!
Something I am anxious about: A change in routine, sleep deprivation, not giving Agnes enough Mommy time, and being all around a bad mommy when it comes to two kids instead of one. I'm just anxious about the new life we will have when baby boy comes.
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