Monday, October 10, 2016

1 Month for Vinny E!

I was going through my drafts and I can't believe I didn't post this. This is from August 2015. Vincent was just 1 month old and those nights were exhausting. I never co-slept with Agnes so having Vinny in bed with us every night was nerve-wracking but also necessary because he wouldn't sleep any other way. It took me until about 2 months for me to realize (I mean, I think this was the reason) that I just was not swaddling him tightly enough. He did sleep in the pack n' play for a few months (Agnes was still in her crib) but eventually we ended up co-sleeping again (on and off) until he moved into Agnes' room and I sleep trained him when he turned 1 year. Paul lived in Atlanta for a few months (for work) so having Vinny in my room with me and sometimes sleeping with me wasn't much of a problem. I even had him sleep trained to only get up once or twice to nurse by the time Paul moved back home. But then he started waking up more and more when Paul came home so we knew it was time for him to move into Agnes' room. Now they go to bed at the same time and it is a very smooth bed time routine. But wow, were those first several months a challenge. It wasn't until I started working out (when he turned 6 months) did I start to feel like I could take back come energy and some control. Even then it was hard. Things got better, but maybe you can see just how sleep deprived I was. I didn't type much, but I feel like even that much summed up the experience. I was freaking tired and just needed a break. So yep, Vinny at 1 month...

I'm exhausted.


And he is the cutest!

He sleeps on my chest all night, every night. This kid will not sleep on his back... he is a tummy sleeper and I am so paranoid about putting him on his stomach in his crib so I guess it's time to sleep train.

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