Baby is as big as a Cauliflower!
13.6-14.8 inches and about 1.5-2.5 lbs
"Baby's enjoying his new sense of equilibrium-and now knows which way is up and which is down. He's growing more fat and more hair too!" ~The Bump
This was taken Nov. 8, 2016. Election Day. You can't really see a big bump but it's there under my "I Voted" sticker.
24 Weeks. This was taken in our hotel room right before leaving for our second day of house hunting. We only had a few days to find a house and put an offer down so it was a stressful but rewarding trip since we did get the house!
My Symptoms: Lots of bathroom visits. I'm a slow-walking pregnant woman. My bump is getting bigger and bigger and I am experiencing random BH contractions. Sciatic nerve pain happens at times as well as round ligament pain. He kicks a lot, but nothing painful yet, just surprising. I have bad varicose vein pain whenever I get up because of the blood rushing back down, so I have a limp for the first couple minutes. This is only in my left leg and very visible.
Sleep? I use the bathroom once or twice a night and I am so so slow of getting up. It's getting a bit harder to reposition myself at night. Still thankful to have my pillow.
Best moment last week? Getting our offer accepted on our new house. Even though we missed Halloween with the kids, we were lucky to find the house... it's definitely a seller's market because they are going like crazy!
Agnes (Aurora) and Vincent (Lion)
Movement: A lot of kicks and somersaults from him but nothing painful. He had hiccups last night which were fun to feel for the first time.
Weight Gain: 147lbs I try and weigh myself before every workout at the gym. We indulged last week (like Chipotle, Cheesecake Factory, Panera Bread, etc.) with our meals so I wasn't really watching my caloric intake or carbs really. I did make sure to keep myself hydrated. Now It's all about getting more water and good food in my system and less sugary/fatty foods.
Cravings: Sweet things. Chocolate. Last week I fulfilled my Chipotle burrito craving and basically any craving I had. I haven't really felt a huge draw to any foods this week.
Food Aversions: I'm much more tolerant of foods nowadays. Even the cilantro in my burrito didn't really bother me that much (gasp).
What made me cry this week: Overwhelmed with all that will be happening these next few weeks leading into the birth of this blessing. Instead of making Thanksgiving dinner this year, we will order it from the local grocery store which has given me some relief. We still have no answers when it comes to some things with housing after we move out of our apartment or answers to some problems with the inspection of our new house. I need to find a doctor to take me on in my third trimester and I have no idea where I'll be delivering. All of this rolled into taking care of 2 kiddos and trying to get them out of the house to do things at least twice a week (up and down three flights of steps lugging other things) has just been getting to be a bit much. So thankful we won't have that problem come next month! :)
Medical Stuff: I have my next appointment the week of Thanksgiving. Praying that all is well and baby boy is healthy.
Something I am anxious about: Everything I listed above that made me cry this week. It's been an emotional week and I'm just nervous for this new adventure we have started to embark on. My husband applied for and accepted a position in Georgia the first week of October. We went house hunting and bought a house this past week and now we are just trying to close by the time we get down there for his Dec. 5th start date. The quickest transition time to move a family of 4 (almost 5) 3 states away... Seems so crazy to me.
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