Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My Pregnancy Journal for #2: Week 17

Baby at 17 Weeks:

Baby is as big as an onion!

**17 W+3D 

Baby is now 5.1 inches long and 5.9 ounces and growing meat on those bones- putting on some fat. Baby is growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord, too.

My Symptoms: I'm still tired every day!! When will the energy kick in? Some common pregnancy symptoms are weird dreams but my dreams are always weird so it's not really different. 

Maternity clothes? Some. I can still fit into my jeans and that's all that really matters right now. Tummy is not sticking out too much ;)

Sleep? I have begun to get used to not sleeping on my back anymore. My new snoogle pillow has been helping with that. As long as I don't have much to drink right before bed (like my nightly glass of milk), I don't get up to use the restroom as much... just a couple of times now. Sleep is getting better, though. 

Best moment last week? Noticing just how big Agnes is getting. She is becoming such an opinionated little girl. At only 21 months, she can say so many words, and is learning so much. Also, I got to spend a lovely Valentines night with my sweetheart after putting Agnes to bed. We ate chocolate and watched Steel Magnolia. It was a nice low-key date :)

Movement? I think I've felt some kicks when I am reading in bed... I'm still not sure, though, since I don't think I've felt any fluttering this time around.

Weight Gain: From last doctor's appointment, I gained 6 pounds. The next appointment is March 4. We shall see how much I gain then.

Cravings: Yummy salty, sweet, pickled, somethings... this is the part where I have no idea what I'm craving, but there is a need for good food. Frustration!

Food Aversions: I don't think anything except sometimes I can't eat what I cook for dinner.

What made me cry this week: Nothing.

Medical Stuff: Nothing new.

Something I am excited about: Finding out the gender!!! Ahhhh I'm so excited!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

My Pregnancy Journal for #2: Week 16

Baby at 16 Weeks:

Baby is the size of an avocado!

Now, Baby's about 4.6 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces. Baby's listening to your voice, thanks to tiny bones forming in her ears. They're growing hair, lashes and eyebrows, forming taste buds.

My Symptoms: Still a bit tired. I have a definite belly bump. Can't say that I have glowing skin... more like face acne and dry skin :(  

Maternity clothes? At home I will wear maternity tops but I've only worn a couple of maternity clothes out in public (a pair of cute pink pants and also a dress my sister sent me). They fit now because she is petite, but once summer comes around, I will have to get some more maternity clothes.

Sleep? Ugh, I drink so much water (with lemon, lime, or calamansi juice in it) that I have to get up at least four times a night. Also, maneuvering my leacho snoogle pillow is a pain (but I love that pillow!) 

Best moment last week? My leacho snoogle total body pillow came in the mail and I LOVE IT!!! I don't know how I survived last pregnancy without this big fluff of Heaven.

Movement? I might have felt some flutters but I am up and moving around so much that it's not like last pregnancy where I was sitting at a cubicle working. Sooooo, I think I'll just have to wait until the real kicks come for me to really be sure it's baby.

Weight Gain: 6 pounds. I am 136 lbs now and I'm thinking that's a good gain so far :) not too dramatic (I'm determined not to gain 60 lbs this time around!).

Cravings: Sweets... more specifically, chocolate. And I satisfy this craving with my mommy stash :)

Food Aversions: Cheese bread. Paul's grandmother makes this yummy italian cheese bread... Panera Bread cheese bread smells the same way and now I can't take the taste or smell :( I'm so bummed. Cilantro (never got over it from last pregnancy), and sometimes what I make for dinner I can't eat.

What made me cry this week: Nothing :)

Medical Stuff: Everything seems to be going well. Heard baby's heartbeat again 140-150 bpm and very active. Gained 6 lbs so far and that was before I started drinking water all day every day so I'm excited to see on March 4th (my next appointment) the weight gain then.

Something I am excited about: I'm so so so so excited for March 9. This is the day we find out the gender!!! Woohoo!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Here We Are... AGAIN!!

Well, I am writing this while I'm 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Yesterday morning after Paul left for work (nowadays he goes in at 7:00am), I had this weird dream about a girl that was wondering if she was pregnant. I went over her charting with her and as soon as she was about to take a pregnancy test, Aunt Flow visited. It felt almost as if I was the girl and I was going over my own charts. When I woke up, I looked at my chart and realized I was a few days late in charting. The day I thought I was supposed to get my period had come and gone, and then add a couple days. SOOOOO I took the only pregnancy test I had in the bathroom cabinet and two lines appeared. The weird thing was, however, was that the control line (the second line) was really really faint and the test line was very dark. So after getting Agnes up, fed, and ready for the day, after her play group, and after we stopped at Kohls to get a sweater (Yeah, my patience was awesome yesterday!), we stopped at Walmart and picked up a few things like another pregnancy test and prenatal vitamins.

As soon as we got home, I took the test immediately and, again, the control line was really faint but that test line was dark. I took the first test at 8:00am. The second test I took at 12:30pm. Now it was time to tell Paul. He usually gets off at 12:30pm for lunch and comes home to eat. That particular day, it happened to be at 1:20pm. Oh my goodness, my patience was tested waiting for him to come home. He eventually came through the door and I unintentionally prepared him for bad news. I guess I was just nervous since we had only, in passing, talked about how Agnes needed a sibling. Paul hugged me for the longest time and that night, after working 11 hours that day, came home with a single rose for me. Even though this puts added stress on him, he could not be more loving, supportive, and excited for when this little one comes. We are praying for another smooth and healthy pregnancy.

Since I am 5 Weeks, I will start My Pregnancy Journal for #2

Baby's the size of an Appleseed!

The embryo is now measurable-- though at week five, it's a wee .13inches-- and she is gearing up for much more growth. In fact, in the next week, she'll almost double in size. Grow, baby, grow! 

The embryo doesn't look like much more than a tadpole right now, but at five weeks, she's already starting to form major organs (heart, stomach, liver, kidney) and systems (digestive, circulatory, nervous).

My Symptoms: None. Being tired is nothing new for me :P I nap about every other day when I don't have anything pressing to do.

Maternity clothes? Not yet! I'm hoping not to gain 60 lbs this time around!

Sleep: Agnes sleeps through the night (from 8pm-7:30am) so this mama is getting a good amount of sleep each night for now. No discomfort!

Best moment last week? Talking about how Agnes needs a sibling to play with but how we wouldn't be able to have another one with so many unknowns with this next year... You are an awesome God, God! :D

Movement? Nope, too early.

Weight Gain: Not yet. I'm starting at 130 lbs.

Cravings: Never noticed... so, so far, none.

What made me cry this week: Hahaha, I love that this is in my journal. Nothing made me cry... except maybe I shed a tear when Paul hugged me so long after I told him.

Medical Stuff: Went in for my first prenatal visit. Apart from the fact that I am shrinking in height... I went from 5'9" to 5'8.25"... depressing, everything seems to be fine. Until my blood work comes back, I don't have anything to worry about :)

Something I am excited about: Telling people! I have lots of announcement ideas!

**Below are posts of the pregnancy up to 12 weeks.**

My Pregnancy Journal for #2 : Week 12

Baby at 12 Weeks:

Baby is the size of a plum!

Baby is about 2.1 inches long and .49 ounces. Most of Baby's critical systems are fully formed; they're about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which Baby's organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly. Baby's now developing their reflexes-- if you poke Baby's body, they'll likely move. Baby is opening and closing their finger and curling their toes, too. Their brain is developing fast!

My Symptoms: Still tired. Round ligament pain at times. Regular bathroom trips keep me up and about (as well as Agnes the toddler). And I am starting to get a bump!

Maternity clothes? Still in my regular clothes! But my skinny jeans are getting tighter than is comfortable.

Sleep? Going to the bathroom a lot during the night keeps me up, but other than that, no discomfort during the night.

Best moment last week? Returning home from Colorado, spending time with the hubby and also Agnes and I hanging out with our family friends again!

Movement? Nope, not yet!

Weight Gain: Still at 130 lbs. the last time I was weighed (January 6th at a prenatal app.) 

Cravings: Coca-Cola... I know, I'm horrible. Nothing this past week.

Food Aversions: Anything I cook for dinner, it seems.

What made me cry this week: Nothing, yay!

Medical Stuff: Heard baby's heartbeat for the first time on January 6!! It was so strong with 165 bmp. So exciting. Other than that, things seem to look good with my blood work and everything else. 

Something I am excited about: The upcoming nuptials of my one and only brother to one of my best friends in April! Just booked the hotel today :D

My Pregnancy Journal for #2: Week 11

Baby at 11 Weeks:

Baby is the size of a lime!

Baby is about 1.6 inches long, with a head to body ratio of 1:1, and weighs in at .25 ounces. Baby is moving fluidly and gracefully in there and even though the skin is still transparent, baby is well on the way to looking more like a baby.Tooth buds, hair follicles, and nail beds are formed and baby's fingers and toes aren't webbed anymore.

My Symptoms: Still tired, but not as completely exhausted as I was before.

Maternity clothes? Still in my regular clothes!

Sleep? Sleep has been fine :)

Best moment last week? I had my first very serious pregnancy craving... Vienna Beef. And my future sister-in-law and brother stopped on the way back (from an appointment they had) to get me my yum yums! Oh my goodness, it was the first time I've ever felt like a craving was satisfied. Last pregnancy I couldn't pin point what it was I was craving so I never got that satisfied feeling. It was glorious!

Movement? Nope, not yet!

Weight Gain: The last time I weighed myself, I had been getting over a very bad cold so I had been drinking tea and fluids like crazy... eating little but still eating. I lost about 4-5 pounds since my last weigh in. 

Cravings: My favorite Chicago hotdog and spicy fries... and it's been satisfied. I also like pickles.

Food Aversions: Nothing comes to mind.

What made me cry this week: Nothing, yay!

Medical Stuff: Nothing new here.

Something I am excited aboutReturning home to see my lovely husband after 3 weeks of being away from him. Agnes and I visited Colorado for Christmas this year while he stayed behind (he couldn't get off work, it was sad).

My Pregnancy Journal for #2 : Week 10

Baby at 10 Weeks:

Baby is the size of a raspberry!

Baby has working arm joints and the cartilage and bones are forming. Baby's vital organs are fully developed and starting to function. Baby's fingernails and hair are starting to appear, too. Plus, baby is swallowing and kicking in there.

My Symptoms: Exhaustion. I got a small blood clot in my leg this morning, put lavender oil on it but it's still quite painful to walk. I've never had this so I'm blaming it on the pregnancy... weird that it's so early on. I guess carrying Agnes around has taken a tough toll. I also get that cramping stretchy feeling (round ligament pain). Food cravings as well.

Maternity clothes? Not yet! Let's hold off for a while :D

Sleep? I'm sick this week so I am not sleeping too well. I have a really bad cold and since pregnant women can't load up on medication, it's been miserable without my favorite Nyquil.

Best moment last week? Getting my much craved Vienna Beef Chicago Hotdog and Spicy Fries... and I want more!!

Movement? Nope, not yet!

Weight Gain: Ummm... I lost a pound the last time I weighed myself. 

Cravings: Now that I'm in Colorado, I have to stop at my favorite Chicago Hotdog place with their yummy spicy fries. Acid reflux you ask? WORTH IT!!

Food Aversions: This week in Colorado, I haven't come across anything that has made me feel sick to my stomach.

What made me cry this week: What is it with me and commercials!! I saw this commercial last night where an older man spots a young military guy a couple of seats away while they both wait for their plane. The older guy gets up and goes to the service desk and talks to the flight attendant. It turns out that the older guy gave up his nice seat in first class and switched with the military man who was in coach... and the military guy didn't even know who it was. I have tears in my eyes just recounting this COMMERCIAL!!! Oh Hormones... although I probably would've been emotional even if I weren't pregnant.

Oh and Agnes has been watching Frozen a lot these past couple of days so whenever the songs "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?" and "Let it Go" come on, it takes everything in my being not to burst out in tears... 

Medical Stuff: Nothing new here.

Something I am excited about: Wonderful family time. So far, it's been great! It's always a fun time to sit around the table sipping Kahlua and cream playing board games :)

My Pregnancy Journal for #2 : Week 9

Baby at 9 Weeks:

Baby is the size of a green olive!

Baby is developing more distinct facial features and also might now have a strong enough heartbeat to be picked up by a fetal doppler.

My Symptoms: Fatigue and constant bathroom runs. Also a stuffy/congested nose. 

Maternity clothes? Not yet!

Sleep? We've been in Colorado four nights. Each night, Agnes has been in bed with me (not our usual routine... we don't co-sleep). Last night, however, was our best night. Even though she was in bed with me the second half of the night, we both slept better. I did have to use the bathroom a few times, but Agnes didn't really notice when I got up. It's hard not having Paul here, but it's nice being able to co-sleep.

Best moment last week? The airplane ride with a 19 month old sitting on my lap. Not joking at all. We woke up at 4 something in the morning to catch a 6:20am flight... and Agnes slept from after take off until we got to the gate in Denver. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!!! As soon as she fell asleep I started my rosary... just praying she would stay still and quiet and get her rest. Praise God! Also, it was so great to get to come to Colorado for Christmas. Seeing my parents gives me so much joy.

Movement? Nope, not yet!

Weight Gain: Ummm... I lost a pound the last time I weighed myself. 

Cravings: My favorite Chicago hotdog and spicy fries. Still haven't gotten it!

Food Aversions: My appetite is small so I don't really do the big meals, but I will say that I'm a big fan of cuties, raspberries, and blueberries!

What made me cry this week: Gosh darn you, Frozen, and your beautiful songs!!

Medical Stuff: Nothing new here.

Something I am excited about: The rest of the family coming to the mountains!

My Pregnancy Journal for #2: Week 8

Baby at 8 Weeks:

Baby is the size of a raspberry!

Baby is growing about a millimeter each day and moving those arms and leg like crazy, even if you can't feel them, yet. Baby's fingers and toes are now only slightly webbed and the tail is gone. Fun fact: baby's taste buds are now forming.

My Symptoms: nausea... BUT I figured out why!! My prenatal vitamins are making me feel sick. So, now I take it at night (during dinner) with ginger. 

I have been getting cramps/feeling my uterus stretching these past couple of weeks. It's not very comfortable but it's normal.

Being tired is a given now... as a STAHM, I have the choice to get a nap in everyday so that's really nice.

Also, last week I experienced some bad acid reflux when I was trying to go to sleep. Apparently eating chips and salsa for lunch can effect your sleep 9 hrs after consumption...

Maternity clothes? Not yet!

Sleep? I'm starting to have a hard time getting back to sleep when I wake up to go to the bathroom or just after a dream. I guess pregnancy insomnia is starting (nooooooo!)

Best moment last week? A great friend's daughter had a birthday party last week. Paul has never met this friend or her family (her husband and two beautiful girls) so he was a bit hesitant to go to the party with me and Agnes. But he did, and he had a great time and so my friend and I will be planning some dinner dates with the family when Agnes and I get back form our trip to Colorado! Having new friends always tops the list!

Movement? Nope, not yet!

Weight Gain: Ummm... I lost a pound the last time I weighed myself. 

Cravings: Now that I'm in Colorado, I have to stop at my favorite Chicago Hotdog place with their yummy spicy fries. Acid reflux you ask? WORTH IT!!

Food Aversions: This week in Colorado, I haven't come across anything that has made me feel sick to my stomach.

What made me cry this week: What is it with me and commercials!! I saw this commercial last night where an older man spots a young military guy a couple of seats away while they both wait for their plane. The older guy gets up and goes to the service desk and talks to the flight attendant. It turns out that the older guy gave up his nice seat in first class and switched with the military man who was in coach... and the military guy didn't even know who it was. I have tears in my eyes just recounting this COMMERCIAL!!! Oh Hormones... although I probably would've been emotional even if I weren't pregnant.

Oh and Agnes has been watching Frozen a lot these past couple of days so whenever the songs "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?" and "Let it Go" come on, it takes everything in my being not to burst out in tears... 

Medical Stuff: Nothing new here.

Something I am excited aboutI'm excited for the rest of the gang (family) to arrive here in Colorado!!

My Pregnancy Journal for #2: Week 7

Baby at 7 Weeks:

Baby is the size of a blueberry!


Baby is generating about one hundred new brain cells each minute! Not only is baby's brain becoming more complex, but the heart is too! Also important: baby is developing a permanent set of kidneys. The arm and leg joints are now forming, too.

My Symptoms: nausea... Last pregnancy, I had small bouts of feeling sick but this is like an all day type thing. I almost want to be able to throw up so I don't feel like this anymore!

Maternity clothes? No, not yet!

Sleep? Pretty good. I am getting up a little more to use the bathroom during the night but so far I've been able to get back to sleep.

Best moment last week? Coming home from a busy but great family Thanksgiving. There's just soemthing about being in your own home all cozy in your pj's all day... this happened the Monday after we got back. It was nice.

Movement? Not yet!

Weight Gain: 0

Cravings: Oh my goodness this: 
After a few bags this week, this craving was fulfilled.

Food Aversions: Anything I cook... that's normal from last pregnancy. I just can't eat dinner with Agnes and Paul.

What made me cry this week: A commercial on TV I can't remember. I think it had to do with sports...

Medical Stuff: Nothing new here.

Something I am excited about: Colorado next Saturday!!

My Pregnancy Journal for #2 : Week 6

Baby's the size of a sweat pea!

The average embryo at week 6 is about .25 inches and will double in size again next week. Wow! Obviously, she's growing like crazy! She's also circulating blood with her increasingly more sophisticated circulatory system. She's about to get cuter too, since she's starting to sprout a nose, eyes, ears, chin and cheeks. And she might even be wiggling her (paddle-like) hands and feet.

My Symptoms: I'm tired.

Maternity clothes? Nope :)

Sleep? This week, we are away in OH and IN so sleep is pretty limited due to not being used to the bed and Agnes needing comfort. 

Best moment last week? Finding out about this pregnancy!

Movement? None, yet.

Weight Gain: This pregnancy I am starting at 130 lbs. No weight gain, yet.

Cravings: Yes, but nothing too serious. I always want chocolate but that's nothing new.

Food Aversions: Some really good food that Paul's Grandmother makes (Italian soup, homemade granola) that I just can't stomach right now :(

What made me cry this week: Nothing.

Medical Stuff: Went in for my first prenatal check up and got some blood work done. 

Something I am excited about: Finding out if this time we will have a boy or a girl :)