Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My Pregnancy Journal for #2: Week 17

Baby at 17 Weeks:

Baby is as big as an onion!

**17 W+3D 

Baby is now 5.1 inches long and 5.9 ounces and growing meat on those bones- putting on some fat. Baby is growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord, too.

My Symptoms: I'm still tired every day!! When will the energy kick in? Some common pregnancy symptoms are weird dreams but my dreams are always weird so it's not really different. 

Maternity clothes? Some. I can still fit into my jeans and that's all that really matters right now. Tummy is not sticking out too much ;)

Sleep? I have begun to get used to not sleeping on my back anymore. My new snoogle pillow has been helping with that. As long as I don't have much to drink right before bed (like my nightly glass of milk), I don't get up to use the restroom as much... just a couple of times now. Sleep is getting better, though. 

Best moment last week? Noticing just how big Agnes is getting. She is becoming such an opinionated little girl. At only 21 months, she can say so many words, and is learning so much. Also, I got to spend a lovely Valentines night with my sweetheart after putting Agnes to bed. We ate chocolate and watched Steel Magnolia. It was a nice low-key date :)

Movement? I think I've felt some kicks when I am reading in bed... I'm still not sure, though, since I don't think I've felt any fluttering this time around.

Weight Gain: From last doctor's appointment, I gained 6 pounds. The next appointment is March 4. We shall see how much I gain then.

Cravings: Yummy salty, sweet, pickled, somethings... this is the part where I have no idea what I'm craving, but there is a need for good food. Frustration!

Food Aversions: I don't think anything except sometimes I can't eat what I cook for dinner.

What made me cry this week: Nothing.

Medical Stuff: Nothing new.

Something I am excited about: Finding out the gender!!! Ahhhh I'm so excited!!

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