Thursday, February 12, 2015

My Pregnancy Journal for #2 : Week 10

Baby at 10 Weeks:

Baby is the size of a raspberry!

Baby has working arm joints and the cartilage and bones are forming. Baby's vital organs are fully developed and starting to function. Baby's fingernails and hair are starting to appear, too. Plus, baby is swallowing and kicking in there.

My Symptoms: Exhaustion. I got a small blood clot in my leg this morning, put lavender oil on it but it's still quite painful to walk. I've never had this so I'm blaming it on the pregnancy... weird that it's so early on. I guess carrying Agnes around has taken a tough toll. I also get that cramping stretchy feeling (round ligament pain). Food cravings as well.

Maternity clothes? Not yet! Let's hold off for a while :D

Sleep? I'm sick this week so I am not sleeping too well. I have a really bad cold and since pregnant women can't load up on medication, it's been miserable without my favorite Nyquil.

Best moment last week? Getting my much craved Vienna Beef Chicago Hotdog and Spicy Fries... and I want more!!

Movement? Nope, not yet!

Weight Gain: Ummm... I lost a pound the last time I weighed myself. 

Cravings: Now that I'm in Colorado, I have to stop at my favorite Chicago Hotdog place with their yummy spicy fries. Acid reflux you ask? WORTH IT!!

Food Aversions: This week in Colorado, I haven't come across anything that has made me feel sick to my stomach.

What made me cry this week: What is it with me and commercials!! I saw this commercial last night where an older man spots a young military guy a couple of seats away while they both wait for their plane. The older guy gets up and goes to the service desk and talks to the flight attendant. It turns out that the older guy gave up his nice seat in first class and switched with the military man who was in coach... and the military guy didn't even know who it was. I have tears in my eyes just recounting this COMMERCIAL!!! Oh Hormones... although I probably would've been emotional even if I weren't pregnant.

Oh and Agnes has been watching Frozen a lot these past couple of days so whenever the songs "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?" and "Let it Go" come on, it takes everything in my being not to burst out in tears... 

Medical Stuff: Nothing new here.

Something I am excited about: Wonderful family time. So far, it's been great! It's always a fun time to sit around the table sipping Kahlua and cream playing board games :)

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