Saturday, May 30, 2015

My Pregnancy Journal for Baby #2: Week 32

Baby at 32 Weeks:

Baby BOY is as big as a Squash!

He's getting ready for his descent and likely in the head-down position now. He's probably feeling even more cramped.

My Symptoms: Varicose veins... not painful anymore (I have been putting grapefruit oil as well as lavender oil on them), but they are still noticeable and in one spot there is bruising. Feeling the BH contractions more and more. It's getting more challenging to carry Agnes and the groceries up the three flights of stairs to our apartment (only when she needs it) as well as maneuvering in general.  

Maternity clothes? Yes, and I'm quite happy with my wardrobe choices this time around.

Sleep? Good! Just the wriggling out of my snoogle when I have to go to the bathroom every 2 hours at night is a challenge but no insomnia as of now. I'm surprised how well I am sleeping this time around.

Best moment last week? Any time we are together as a family is a best moment. Paul has been very busy these last few weeks so whenever we have time together is cherished.

Movement? Baby boy is moving quite a bit and he gets hiccups every day now.

Weight Gain: Not sure, my next appointment is this coming Monday. I'm thinking I gained about 3 lbs since I haven't been consciously eating well... and this is the time I think I pack on the most weight. Here's to hoping it's only a pound or 2.

Cravings: Nothing in particular. Just wanting to keep snacking and finding very unhealthy food :) (i.e. fun pops and chips)

Food Aversions: Still Cilantro and Basil. I guess a lot of the common spices like Oregano, Cumin, Parsley, etc. are on my list of aversions. That hasn't changed and I haven't found any new aversions. I don't think my food aversions will ever change, pregnant or not unfortunately.

What made me cry this week: Nothing; staying strong and beating the hormones :P

Medical Stuff: Everything looks fine since May 13th (my last appointment) so I'm not concerned with going almost 3 weeks since seeing my doctor and she thinks it's fine so yay!

Something I am excited about: Deciding on a name for baby boy, instead of just always calling him, "Baby Brother." It's cute but I WANT A NAME!!

Something I am anxious about: New responsibilities and juggling two kids by myself. Paul works hard and a lot so it would be just me and Agnes has been throwing Terrible Two tantrums that I have a tough time dealing with when it's just me... sooooo I'm anxious about two children.

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