Friday, March 29, 2013

My Pregnancy Journal: Week 35

35 weeks in. This is what is happening with My Little Loodle:

Baby is standing tall (so to speak) this week at about 20 inches and continues her steady weight gain (she’s about 5.5 pounds). While she won't get much longer, she will continue to pack on the pounds — including large amounts of baby fat — right up 'til delivery day. Something else that's moving at a mind-boggling pace these day: fetal brain development! There’s a lot going on inside that tiny head, which is, by the way, still soft to allow an easier exit through the birth canal. Now, her hearing is fully developed, and she responds best to high-pitched noises. She's now about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds, and he'll put on a pound or more of 
baby fat before birth.

My Symptoms: Sleeping is so hard now!! Acid reflux got worse again :( It's also hard to get anywhere (up from bed, up from the couch, up from a chair, up from anything...). I waddle now :(

Maternity clothes?  My life. 

Sleep? Acid reflux sucks!! I have to sleep upright... and it hurts my back and neck.

Best moment last week? I was just able to relax and sleep a lot last week. It was very nice :)

Movement? She moves around a lot. Before we go to bed every night, Paul and I say night prayer and whenever he puts his hand on my stomach for our "Family Prayer", she goes crazy, it's funny and so cute. But, her movements are getting more painful. I was telling Paul how weird it'll be not feeling her inside me when she is finally out.

Weight Gain: This next Monday will be another weigh in, so we will see next week...

Cravings: Vanilla ice cream... my tummy is so original. 

What made me cry this week: No clue, but I did cry. And then I saw a dish in the sink and cried more because I had asked Paul to put it in the dish washer the night before... how dare he! :P (and now I know how my parents felt when I would just plop the dishes in the sink instead of the dishwasher)

Medical Stuff: Group B Strep test on Monday and other tests to prove I don't have preeclampsia.

Something I am excited about: Getting the crib, car seat, and stroller. Getting my hospital bag ready. Cooking and freezing postpartum meals. Having everything ready in the next few weeks for baby :D

Friday, March 22, 2013

My Pregnancy Journal: Week 34

34 weeks in. This is what is happening with My Little Loodle:

At less than two months to go, she weighs in at about 4.2 pounds to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.Curious baby is listening in to your conversations at 34 weeks -- and might enjoy a lullaby or two -- so go ahead and sing to her. Some say that baby will recognize songs mom sings while she’s in the womb, and may even be more easily soothed by them if she’s used to them once she’s on the “outside.” At week 34, you might breathe a little easier, since baby may descend lower into your pelvis and give your lungs some space. (Ahh!) Of course, some babies don’t do this until the day they’re born, so we’re not making any guarantees. The pitfall of this descent, of course, is even more pressure on your bladder, so be prepared to make even more trips to the ladies room over the coming weeks.  She's also urinating about a pint a day. In other baby-related developments, those tiny fingernails have probably reached the tips of his fingers by now — and getting ready for that first postpartum manicure.

My Symptoms: Difficulty sleeping, fatigue, swollen ankles and feet... and hands, too (my rings fit now!). I also go to the bathroom a lot! 

Maternity clothes?  I'm trying to figure out an outfit for Easter... that kept me up for two hours last night because I suddenly became so worried about the weather and how I'd dress for Easter mass.

Sleep? Acid reflux sucks!! It's not just with sleep anymore, either. When I sleep, it's no upright because of the uncomfortable heartburn/ acid reflux. I take naps during the day which help, but it seems like I can only sleep a couple of hours at a time (even at night).

Best moment last week? I received a box stuffed with baby clothes, a monitor, changing pad, little girl CROCS, toys, pacifiers, a plate and utensils, a bathing cushion, towels and blankets, and even a pair of socks for me... all from my two best friends from college. It was unbelievable and I teared up. They really know how to make this pregnant mama feel special :) This little girl is going to look fabulous with all the clothes she's been getting from my family, Paul's family, and from our friends.

My two besties (Kelly and Joirdan).

Movement? She moves around a lot. Before we go to bed every night, Paul and I say night prayer and whenever he puts his hand on my stomach for our "Family Prayer", she goes crazy, it's funny and so cute. But, her movements are getting more painful. I was telling Paul how weird it'll be not feeling her inside me when she is finally out.

Weight Gain: I weighed in at 169 lbs. this past visit. I've gained 26 lbs. from when I first weighed in in August.

Cravings: I've had chocolate cravings this week. I ate cookie dough (I know, bad me!) and I made brownies.

What made me cry this week: Nothing... goodness, I think I may be in for a good cry sometime soon :P

Medical Stuff: Next visit (in 2 weeks), they will check my urine and blood pressure again because I might have preeclampsia due to my urine test last visit. My doctor says it doesn't look like I have it, but they need to make extra sure. Also, next visit is the Group B Strep test... yippee :/

Something I am excited about: I'm excited to purchase the car seat, stroller, and crib for this little girl!!! I'm also excited to set everything up!! :D

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Pregnancy Journal: Week 33

33 weeks in. This is what is happening with My Little Loodle:

Baby is keeping her eyes open while awake. She's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Her bones are hardening and she going through (more) major brain development -- that's one smart baby! Baby is still gaining weight (about half a pound a week), and she could grow up to another full inch this week. With that much baby inside your uterus, your amniotic-fluid level has maxed out, which explains why some of her pokes and kicks feel pretty sharp these days. (There's less fluid to cushion the blows.) Antibodies are being passed from you to your little one as she continues to develop her own fetal immune system, which will come in handy once she's outside the womb and fending off all sorts of germs.

My Symptoms: Helloooooo KANKLES!! I haven't had swelling this bad since I sprained them in soccer. Mostly trouble sleeping and heartburn/ acid reflux, which leaves me uncomfortable and completely exhausted. Oh, and my abdomen has been a little more itchy.

Maternity clothes?  I'm ready to not be in maternity clothes!! Only 7 more weeks *fingers crossed*!!! :D

Sleep? The acid reflux doesn't help, but sleep is getting better. This week, I've felt a little more comfortable at night so that's been a pleasant surprise :)

Best moment last week? Last weekend Paul and I went to Saint Louis for a few events over the weekend, one being our friend's bridal shower. The groom's parents live there so his mom threw a shower for the bride. It was lovely. They were even able to come visit us at our home for a night before going back to Texas (where they both live). It was a fun night!

Movement? She moves around a lot and her kicks are getting a bit more painful.

Weight Gain: I will know next Monday at my next appointment :)

Cravings: I've had no cravings this week!

What made me cry this week: Nothing... it's been a good week!

Medical Stuff: Nothing to report. 

Something I am excited about: I'm excited about getting the car seat and crib!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Pregnancy Journal: Week 32

32 weeks in. This is what is happening with My Little Loodle:

She's getting ready for her descent -- she's likely in the head-down position now. And she's probably feeling even more cramped. She's starting to get ready for her big debut, tipping the scales at almost four pounds and topping out at just about 19 inches. In these past few weeks, it's all about practice, practice, practice as she hones the skills she'll need to thrive outside the womb — from swallowing and breathing to kicking and sucking. And speaking of sucking, your little one has been able to suck her thumb for a while now. Something else to note: As more and more fat accumulates under your baby's skin, she's becoming less transparent and more opaque.

My Symptoms: Mostly trouble sleeping and heartburn/ acid reflux, which leaves me uncomfortable and completely exhausted. Oh, and my abdomen has been a little more itchy. Oh and one more thing: PREGNANCY BRAIN!!! Hello forgetfulness! I thought this symptom was a load of pants but this is a real thing. Paul is being so patient, too... sometimes :P

Maternity clothes?  I've really gotten into wearing sweatpants/yoga pants and big shirts all of the time. It helps me feel a little more comfortable in an otherwise very uncomfortable time.

Sleep? I wake up a lot during the night, but I get to return to sleep and get lots of rest during the day so I am not complaining one bit... although the sleeping positioning is getting way worse. I sleep so much better on my back but it's just not possible to do now.

Best moment last week? The whole week was wonderful. I cant point out a specific time. Paul didn't work as much so he was home a little more and I was able to get a lot of stuff done around the apartment.

Movement? A LOT... during the night... oh boy-- I mean girl* (I'm so so tired!)

Weight Gain: I feel big... and I look big... and I'd rather not be big anymore :P

Cravings: I craved some juice this past week... but nothing too strong. Paul still hasn't needed to go out and make a special trip for me. :) I'm proud.

What made me cry this week: Not that much.

Medical Stuff: I haven't had an appointment in a month, and won't for another 2 more weeks. I don't think that's normal for someone supposedly starting their 9th month of pregnancy before they reach full term. However, if my doctor is confident, then okay :)

Something I am excited about: Sleep... I just want a good night's sleep. I realize that that will not happen now for a few years, but it's getting to the point where I ache all over (neck, back, hips, legs, feet) and I can't stay conscious for a whole day. And I realize I am going to laugh at this post once the baby comes because I know nothing about sleep deprivation ;)