Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Exclusive No Longer

Yesterday marked the first day Agnes Joyce started on solid food. For 6 months and 1.5 days, she was an exclusively breastfed baby. Now she is ready to take on the tastes and textures of rice cereal, avocados, sweet potatoes, and bananas (so far)!

Not only was yesterday Agnes' first solid food day, but also her 6 month check-up where she received some shots (never a fun time). She is now 16.5 lbs. and 26 ". She only gained a pound and a half since her last check-up but I guess she made up for it in length.

Since she got shots yesterday, we started her off with rice cereal. It was a new experience for us, to say the least. I heard that babies don't know how to be spoon fed yet, but I didn't realize just how tough it is to actually get the food in their mouths.

I was so excited to document her first food, I told Paul to take some pictures... He went crazy with the camera so I'll only put up a few. It was fun to see him get excited, though, and he even try and feed her himself which was adorable.

Getting ready!

Mixing the food with some mama's milk.

Yummy yummy!

Daddy's turn!

Agnes tried licked the bowl.

And now starts the mess...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Half Birthday Day!

Today our little Aggie Jo is 6 months old. Yesterday, we received a Halloween package from Paul's Aunt Kristie with some cute winter outfits for baby girl and the cutest costume! Even though she's a little young to go Trick or Treating this year, we still had to take a few pictures ;)

The story behind this particular costume is quite cute actually:

Paul's Dad and Aunt Kristie call each other "Tiger" whenever they talk to each other. It has passed down to all of Paul's siblings calling each other, Aunt Kristie, and their dad, "Tiger."
One evening, I was talking to Aunt Kristie and told her how whenever Agnes tries to stand (this was a few months ago), she is always bouncing. Hence Agnes' new nickname, "Tigger." Very cute!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

6 Months and Counting

In three days, Agnes Joyce will officially be 6 months old. It's amazing how much babies grow in just a few short months. How did she get from being 6 lbs. to 20 lbs.?? It's unbelievable!

Soooo she is blabbering a lot. Screeching. Smiling. Laughing. Sitting up by herself. Rolling from her back to stomach. She plays with her toys and reaches for me when she wants kisses. She's getting to be too much for me to carry, with her in her car seat, up to our third floor apartment. She can sit regularly (facing out) in her stroller. She loves to cuddle. She is getting a bit more dependent on her pacifier.

My favorite times with her are when she just gets up from naps or long sleeps. She loves to just sit with me and snug for a bit before she plays with her toys. It makes my heart sing and I won't ever take those times for granted. I'm also a fan of her talking (for now :P ). It's just the cutest noise!