Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Pregnancy Journal: Week 39+7

39 weeks and 7 days. This is what is happening with My Little Loodle Love:

Baby is the size of a watermelon. Coming down to the wire, your baby weighs around seven to eight pounds and measures 19 to 21 inches. Those measurements won't change much from now on, but her brain is still growing at an astonishing rate, a pace that will continue for the first three years of life. Her pink skin has now turned whitish (even babies who'll eventually have darker skin appear whitish now — they haven't yet developed pigment). Her head may have dropped into your pelvis by now, which makes your breathing easier but walking harder.

My Symptoms: A LOT of Braxton Hicks (some extremely uncomfortable, some just feels like the tightening of my abdomen), acid reflux, fatigue, trouble sleeping/restlessness, waddling around and feeling overall uncomfortable and big. 

Maternity clothes?  T-shirts and shorts now... and a maternity skirt and shirt for church.

Sleep? Worst sleep ever!!! I wake up every 30 minutes to an hour because my hips and legs hurt so much. I use the restroom, then reposition myself in bed, go back to sleep, and then the process starts after another 30 minutes to an hour. It's so uncomfortable, but I'm thinking this is getting me prepared for when baby wakes up every 1-2 hrs during the night.

Best moment last week? Finding out that my oldest sister will be able to come visit me next weekend! Yippeee!! Also, getting the crib made up with the cute bedding sent by my second oldest sister and mother :)

Movement? Not as much as before because she is so cramped.

Weight Gain: I'm hoping no more weight gain!

Cravings: None.

What made me cry this week: Nothing.

Medical Stuff: All is well, I think. My next appointment is on Monday.

Something I am excited about: Duhhh... BABY!!

Something I am anxious about: Labor.

Monday, April 22, 2013

My Pregnancy Journal: Week 39+3

39 weeks and 3 days in. This is what is happening with My Little Loodle Love:

Baby is the size of a watermelon. Coming down to the wire, your baby weighs around seven to eight pounds and measures 19 to 21 inches. Those measurements won't change much from now on, but her brain is still growing at an astonishing rate, a pace that will continue for the first three years of life. Her pink skin has now turned whitish (even babies who'll eventually have darker skin appear whitish now — they haven't yet developed pigment). Her head may have dropped into your pelvis by now, which makes your breathing easier but walking harder.

My Symptoms: Braxton Hicks (some extremely uncomfortable, some just feels like the tightening of the uterus), acid reflux, fatigue, trouble sleeping/restlessness, waddling around and feeling overall uncomfortable and big. 

Maternity clothes?  Whenever I go out, I wear yoga pants and a maternity shirt now. I just want to go back to fitting into regular clothes :(

Sleep? I've gotten used to switching positions every 1 to 2 hours because of my hips and legs hurting. I'm trying to get as much sleep as I can before bby arrives.

Best moment last week? This past weekend, my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew came into town to help us get ready for when baby arrives (preparing postpartum meals, getting some necessities for after baby gets here). Not only this, but they also treated us to a night in Saint Louis. We were very well taken care of and it was so nice of them to come out and help me prepare for the big day.

Movement? I think she is getting to be squished a bit so movement isn't like it was a few weeks ago, but she is still moving a lot and I it hurts lol

Weight Gain: SO not cool! I gained 5 pounds in the span of 5 days... so so so mad!!! 180 lbs.

Cravings: None... although one night the contractions were really bad so we went to Sonic and we got a double cheeseburger for me... after that, the contractions just had that tightening feeling, so maybe that was a craving.

What made me cry this week: Anxiety... and lack of sleep one time.

Medical Stuff: Everything seems good... even the crazy weight gain. I'm stll not thrilled about that.

Something I am excited about: BABY!!! Come on already!!

Something I am anxious about: I am anxious about our apartment suddenly housing spiders and cockroaches/beetles. I guess it is starting to warm up outside and they need a place to cool down, but I clean so much that this should not be an issue. It's time to get the apartment sprayed. I'm also anxious about the chance of having to be induced. I want to go into labor naturally! Oh, and that's another thing, I'm scared about how uncomfortable it will be. It's getting so real now. This is happening soon. I will have a baby in less than 2 weeks. Scary.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Pregnancy Journal: Week 38

38 weeks in. This is what is happening with My Little Loodle Love:

Fetal development is nearly complete as baby tends to a few last-minute details like shedding the skin-protecting vernix and lanugo. She's also producing more surfactant, a substance that prevents the air sacs in her lungs from sticking to one another once she starts to breathe. Most of the changes this week are small but important: She’s continuing to add fat (so she can take advantage of all those photo ops by sporting a round, cute baby look!) and fine-tuning her brain and nervous system (so she can deal with all the stimulation that awaits her once she makes her entrance into the world).

My Symptoms: Acid reflux, fatigue, trouble sleeping (I have more energy at night than I do during the day), using the bathroom a lot, feeling huge... etc.

Maternity clothes?  I packed a lot of them up since the weather is getting warmer... I'm so ready to fit into summer clothing!! It'll be a while though, so here's to hoping I have clothes that I can fit into until then :)

Sleep? Horrendous! I wake up every hour or two because I have to switch positions. My hips and legs ache and it's just miserable. BUT every time I switch positions, I get up to use the bathroom so I get some relief  by walking it out a bit, at least.

Best moment last week? We picked up the crib this past weekend and put it together!! I don't have the linens or bumper yet (my mom and sister are sending those this week.... oh so nice of them!! Family making it easier for this first time mom... blessed.) so I won't post a picture, yet, but it's still very exciting!!

Movement? Not as much as last week, but I think it's because it's getting to be a little tight in there. However, there is nothing to be concerned about since she does still move a good deal... and it hurts when she moves.

Weight Gain: Not since last week... lovely :)

Cravings: Not really anything... I don't eat a lot nowadays because she cramps my stomach making it tough to eat a lot. 

What made me cry this week: Nothing.

Medical Stuff: All good to go! I am as healthy as a horse... a pregnant horse :) 

Something I am excited about: My sister (and also doula) is arriving tomorrow (Thursday) with my nephew and brother-in-law to spend some time with me and help me get ready for baby time!! It'll be wonderful having them here for a few days. AND she is also going to help me stock up on healthy postpartum meals :D I'm also excited because I have all of this little one's clothes washed and hung up in our closet and all her bath supplies (tub, tub liner, soap, lotion, cream, etc.) all good to go for cleaning time. I'm just all around excited for this little girl!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Pregnancy Journal: Week 37

37 weeks in. This is what is happening with My Little Loodle:

Congratulations! You've got what is officially considered a full-term baby, even with three weeks to go. That doesn't mean she's finished growing — in fact, she's still packing on about a half pound a week (at this age, the average fetus weighs about 6.5 pounds). That makes it a little crowded in your uterus, so she’s probably not kicking as much, though she’s probably stretching, rolling a bit, and wiggling (all of which you’ll be able to feel!). Right now, the little superstar is busy rehearsing for her big debut, inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid (to get the lungs ready for that first breath), sucking her thumb (to prepare for that first suckle of milk), blinking, and turning from side to side.

My Symptoms: I can't stand for a long time or walk that much without my feet and ankles swelling and feeling uncomfortable, fatigue and trouble sleeping at night, acid reflux hasn't been too too bad this week. Little cleaning urges, but not as bad as I think they will be when the "nesting" urge really comes.

Maternity clothes?  Nothing new... yoga pants and large t-shirts are comfortable when it's cold. When it's warm, I steal Paul's shorts and his work out sleeveless shirts (just for around the apartment) :P

Sleep? Sleep has gotten more difficult this week. My hips and legs are starting to ache when I sleep on my sides. I have to switch positions often (this coincides with my bathroom breaks, so I guess that's good). Naps help... I'm really not looking forward to giving those long ones up when baby comes :P

Best moment last week? Hearing about the birth of a family friend's little boy! She and I have been messaging these past nine months with our experiences, stories, worries, and research findings. It was awesome to hear that she and baby are healthy. She had to have a c-section but is recovering and doing well. So happy for them and looking forward to seeing them sometime in the next year :) Also, we got the car seat and stroller! I'm happy with it.

Movement? A lot!!! The doctor was very impressed and happy with how much she moves. I'm happy... but I also want a still stomach for when I'm trying to sleep :P

Weight Gain: 175 lbs... one pound gained from last week. 32 lbs gained from the beginning. 

Cravings: I haven't really been hungry this past week. 

What made me cry this week: Nothing.

Medical Stuff: I do not have Group B Strep! Yippee! We are healthy! My next doctor's appointment is on Wednesday.

Something I am excited about: Picking up and setting up the crib this weekend! Also I'm excited about a gift we received at Christmas. Since we live in Missouri and my husband and his family are big Cardinals baseball fans, my sister (and doula) got us some really cute Cardinals baby gear, one of which was a diaper bag! However, upon further review, I noticed that the bird, although it is a cardinal, looked a little too angry and I wondered wear I'd seen it before... Well, this should have been a premonition to us because it is actually the University of Louisville mascot. Even though I didn't pick them to win it all (dang-it!), I'm glad they did, because now I can tote around an NCAA Mens Basketball Champions diaper bag for a year :D

(Yeah, we're cool!)

Friday, April 5, 2013

My Pregnancy Journal: Week 36

  • 36 weeks in. This is what is happening with My Little Loodle:

    *I swear I'll post a picture next week!*

    • Forget your aching back (and everything else!) by trying to focus on your baby  with soft bones and cartilage to allow a safer journey through the exit door. Most of her systems (from circulatory to musculoskeletal) are ready for prime time, though her digestion system — which has done only practice runs so far — will kick into gear as she takes her first suckle at the breast or bottle.She's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on her own. Her skin is getting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid. Her liver and kidneys are in working order. Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too. She's still in the 17.2- to 18.7-inch and 4.2- to 5.8-pound range and continues to beef up.

    My Symptoms: Waddling like a penguin (it's just so much more comfortable than trying to walk normal :P), fatigue and trouble sleeping (but I do get naps, thank the Lord!), acid reflux... duh, swelling of my hands and feet (Oh! My wedding and engagement rings fit now!... the only good thing that's come from fat fingers), and I just feel overall fat!

    Maternity clothes?  Oh do I! I keep eyeing those cute summer shorts and tops packed away in my clear plastic bins and it's almost torture. One of these days, though... one of these days... 

    Sleep? When Paul doesn't take up the whole bed (he likes to sleep in a diagonally), I get about 2-3 hrs of "uninterrupted by bathroom breaks or acid reflux" sleep :) 

    Best moment last week? Easter!! It was a lovely weekend and one that involved family, chocolate, and yummy food (cooked by family). 

    Movement? This girl makes my stomach dance... it's so weird seeing this and I feel so self conscious as church sometimes because it's just that noticeable!

    Weight Gain: 174 lbs... this is getting really depressing. 

    Cravings: Easter really tackled that chocolate craving! It was a good weekend :) Nothing interesting to report on the craving front. I'm glad we purchased that big tub of vanilla ice cream just in case, though!

    What made me cry this week: "There's no crying in baseball!" I always think of that quote when I answer this question, lol. But honestly, nothing has made me cry... except that Budweiser commercial when the clydesdale runs to his previous owner after a parade (gets me every time!!). I don't know if it's because of the sentiment or the fact that I haven't had a beer in 9 months...

    Medical Stuff: I do not have preeclampsia! Yippee! My results for the Group B Strep have not come in yet. Other than that, things look normal, I think :)

    Something I am excited about: Having everything ready in the next few weeks for baby :D Also, we have friends expecting their first son, like now, so I am super duper excited for them and cannot wait to see pictures! They are a wonderful couple and will be wonderful parents.