Monday, June 22, 2015

My Pregnancy Journal for Baby #2: Week 35

Baby at 35 Weeks:

Baby BOY is as big as a Coconut!

Now his hearing is fully developed and he responds best to high-pitched noises. His testes have probably descended by now, too.

 My Symptoms: Contractions... getting uncomfortable, but still could be Braxton Hicks. Rolling over in bed is really hard, and getting up from lying down or from a seated position sometimes hurts. 

Maternity clothes? Yes, and I don't hate it like I did last pregnancy :P

Sleep? I'm starting to have difficulty staying asleep due to hip pain and rolling over is extremely uncomfortable.

Best moment last week? When my mom came and helped me out with Agnes and did all the cooking and cleaning. Even though I felt horrible just taking it easy, it was so nice to have her taking care of me again and spending time with her. Every time I have to say goodbye to her, I always end up sobbing, but it was still so nice of her to be here.

Movement? SO MUCH! He loves his movement and his hiccups :P

Weight Gain: Last weigh in at the Doctor's was 160 lbs. Still the same for the past 3 weeks. Not bad.

Cravings: No real cravings. I'm just hungry a lot for snacks and when I do eat, I just keep on eating.

Food Aversions: Still Cilantro and Basil. I guess a lot of the common spices like Oregano, Cumin, Parsley, etc. are on my list of aversions. That hasn't changed and I haven't found any new aversions. I don't think my food aversions will ever change, pregnant or not unfortunately. (this answer has not changed the whole pregnancy...)

What made me cry this week: My mom leaving after a week long visit to take care of me while I needed to take it as easy as possible.

Medical Stuff: Saw the Dr. last Wednesday on June 17. All seems well, baby's heart rate is normal and so is my health so good good! The next appointment is June 24.

Something I am excited about: Meeting this little guy in hopefully at least another 1-2 weeks!

Something I am anxious about: Contracting again like I did the other night. I refused to go to the hospital and just went to bed after drinking a lot of water, but at one point they were 8-10 minutes apart... scary.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

My Pregnancy Journal for Baby #2: Week 34

Baby at 34 Weeks:

Baby BOY is as big as a Butternut Squash!

He's recognizing and reacting to simple songs, if you're singing them. He's also urinating about a pint a day.

My Symptoms: Contractions... big hips, sore hips when sleeping, slow getting up, varicose veins, acid reflux,

Maternity clothes? Yes, and very comfy too!

Sleep? Still no problems sleeping. I do have to switch positions a lot at night (sore hips also make this happen), as well as use the restroom but sleep isn't being effected and it's wonderful this late in the pregnancy.

Best moment last week? My mother in law, husband, and mother all made my PP freezer meals. I mean it was under the worst circumstances since I'm on bed rest, BUT now I feel ready for baby to come. And it's been so nice having my mom here. I always miss her so much since she lives 2 states away. I always cry when she has to leave.

Movement? A lot of movement, hiccups every day, and he loves to do flips. Mama isn't much of a fan but it's only going to get more uncomfortable so this is nothing compared to what's to come! And since we are scared of preterm labor, him moving is just another blessing. 

Weight Gain: Last weigh in at the Doctor's was 160 lbs. Meaning I didn't gain anything in the week and a half time between doctors visits. Hopeful for only gaining a few more pounds... although of baby needs it, bring it on!

Cravings: No real cravings. I'm just hungry a lot for snacks and when I do eat, I just keep on eating.

Food Aversions: Still Cilantro and Basil. I guess a lot of the common spices like Oregano, Cumin, Parsley, etc. are on my list of aversions. That hasn't changed and I haven't found any new aversions. I don't think my food aversions will ever change, pregnant or not unfortunately. (this answer has not changed the whole pregnancy...)

What made me cry this week: Nothing. Although I have to say I am impressed with myself. A few times I did feel very emotional and scared about what would happen if they weren't able to stop the contractions. I didn't, though, and I may need to break down sometime soon since this whole bed rest thing makes me feel bad about not being able to do anything.

Medical Stuff: Saw the doctor on June 10. Baby is measuring normal and his heart rate is perfect. I have my next appointment next week on the 17th when I hopefully hit 35 weeks!!

Something I am excited about: Being able to keep baby in for another couple of weeks. I'm also excited for the day we get to meet this little guy and him be healthy!

Something I am anxious about: Contracting more than 6 times in one hour. That's when I will have to go to the hospital again :/ And if I don't make it to 35 weeks, they will try and stop them again and I know it can be dangerous... but also dangerous if they can't and he has to be delivered. I'm just anxious about delivering too soon and him having to go to the NICU.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My Pregnancy Journal for Baby #2: Week 33

Baby at 33 Weeks:

Baby BOY is as big as a Durian!

He's keeping his eyes open while awake and also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. His bones are hardening and he is going through (more) major brain development!

My Symptoms: Varicose veins, BH contractions, heavy belly, acid reflux, feeling baby move a lot and becoming more uncomfortable as he does, pressure on my bladder, I'm blaming my acne on this pregnancy ;)

Maternity clothes? Yes, but I still wear my bigger t-shirts, as well as pj pants, while I'm home.

Sleep? Still no problems or bad discomfort, thankfully. I still get up to use the restroom and that is when I will readjust myself (and snoogle) and switch to sleeping on my other side.

Best moment last week? Surviving last weekend when Paul went down to Dallas. Agnes was perfect in church (she even got complimented on how good she was!) and all in all I couldn't have asked for a smoother weekend with it just being us.

Movement? A lot of movement, hiccups every day, and he loves to do flips. Mama isn't much of a fan but it's only going to get more uncomfortable so this is nothing compared to what's to come!

Weight Gain: Last weigh in at the Doctor's was 160 lbs. I gained a few pounds. I'm crossing my fingers hoping and wishing I don't gain 20+ lbs. in the next 6-7 weeks.

Cravings: No real cravings... I just like to snack. I don't mind snacking on fruit but it has to be something.

Food Aversions: Still Cilantro and Basil. I guess a lot of the common spices like Oregano, Cumin, Parsley, etc. are on my list of aversions. That hasn't changed and I haven't found any new aversions. I don't think my food aversions will ever change, pregnant or not unfortunately.

What made me cry this week: Nothing.

Medical Stuff: Saw my Dr. June 1st and she saw a little protein in my urine but she wasn't that worried and said we would check again the next week (June 10). 

Sunday night (June 7), I went into preterm labor and was admitted to the hospital with contractions being every 2-3 minutes. I was checked and was 3 cm dilated, 50% effaced. I was in Labor and Delivery overnight with constant monitoring (those contractions were annoying so I only got 2 hrs of sleep). The contractions finally slowed down a bit and after checking me a couple more times to see that I hadn't progressed with dilation, I was moved the next morning up to anti-partum for the day and another night. They monitored me a couple of times throughout the day and I took more meds to stop the contractions. The next morning at 4am I was monitored again and baby's heart beat was pretty erratic and had been fine up until then so they moved me back down to Labor and Delivery to do more monitoring and once I was hooked up, his bpm was leveled... still a bit low (120s) but the doctors weren't worried. I was discharged that morning and am now on bed rest. In that visit, I got my Group B strep testing done, got put on medication to keep the contractions away for the next week (until 35 weeks) as well as stool softeners, and received 2 steroid shots to help the baby's lungs develop faster just in case I give birth sooner rather than later.  

Agnes came with us to the hospital and stayed until at least 10-10:30pm. This is a picture of us watching Brave in the Labor and Delivery room.

It was quite a scare... there was a chance I would've given birth that night since the contractions were so close and getting strong. Also if they couldn't get them to completely stop, I would've been there for a couple of weeks. This was the best possible outcome and I am so so blessed to have had Paul there with me (Mimi came and took care of Agnes and my best friend Treva even came to keep me company for a little bit while Paul had to get some stuff done at home).

Something I am excited about: Well I WAS excited for my maternity photo shoot that Treva was going to take... but i don't know if that will happen now :( We will see. Maybe baby will stay in until next weekend and we can do it then!! The only thing is I wanted her to take a picture of me holding Agnes with her legs straddling my bump... like this:

But since I'm not allowed to lift her, I guess maybe we can do a sit down one if we are able to do the photo shoot.

Something I am anxious about: Ha! Last week I put, "Gaining too much weight"... well I have more recent anxieties like trying to keep this baby in for another 3 weeks!! Never thought I'd be at risk for preterm labor! :/